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Social Media: Building a following!

Social networking is one of the biggest inventions towards socialising, there are plenty of these things around, most notably; Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram and the list goes on. Although these things are supposed to help us stay in touch with one-another, it can be a rough time trying to build a following for yourself. Now this isn't a guide on how to do so, but there will be some notes that could be taken to a practical use from it, this will include my tips on which platforms work, to what you should post. With that said, I'd like to talk about a few things that seem to be a common misconception when setting up your profile. With this example, I'm mainly directing it towards YouTube, however, the concept applies to any network. 1. Becoming famous over night A lot of people seem to think that uploading a photo, video or post will make them famous overnight. A large portion of the time, that is not the case at all, you may sometimes not even get a single view or...

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