Doom: FPS God

The first thing I do to find Doom is just "Doom" into google to see what I can get. Steam is one of the first to come up and all is well, then I see that it's $4.95 USD and ya boi isn't paying sweet cash money to play. A few short links down the google results and Kongregate shines the holy light down onto my laptop and allows me to play Doom for free!

Initial reaction was of me feeling all tingly inside, but turns out I just needed to sneeze. In saying, as soon as I bestowed my eyes upon my display, I am genuinely shocked to see how the game looked. A game made in 1993 can still fit into modern day games. As you may or may not know, Doom isn't actually a 3 dimensional game, it is a 2D game rendered in such a way that it is drawn to look as if it has those 3 sweet dimensions.

I wasn't greeted in the game how I first expected to be. I walked around the first level and was wondering where exactly all the enemies were. I had wondered around the level for 2-3 minutes just collecting loot off of the ground as I came up to my first enemy. The first level was very relaxed to say and wasn't too hard to complete, however I discovered on the summary screen I hadn't found all the secrets in the level. But oh well, I'll save that for later.

After collecting the shotgun, I realized something that would help me progress through the game quickly. I could become a 360 crossmap no-scope master while using the shotgun because the gun didn't seem to have a range limit to it. I was just casually running through the rooms from then on doing nothing but 360 no-scopes (even though the horizontal sensitivity wasn't too high) throughout the levels. I progressed well losing barely any health in the process.

On the second level I was stuck going through the maze. I thought I had found a new path but ended up back at the start over and over again. At this point I was becoming very frustrated and could not progress any further and leaving my game on just to take these sweet screenshots didn't do me well as the AI would find me and start attacking. I didn't notice this until after I had saved them to my photos that I had been attacked, so I quickly turned around and shot them. Having the little health I had left over and the knowledge of going through the same path multiple times over, I decided to end the game. All in all I thought that even though the game is 25 years old, it still lives up to being a great FPS and a marvel of its time and I would recommend this game to anyone but it would be hard to find someone who hasn't heard of or seen Doom already and it may just be worth that $4.95 USD after all.


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